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Hymn: Look: fantastic celebration
Hymn: Look: fantastic celebration
by Andrew Pratt
Look: fantastic celebration, thirty thousand gathered round, in the midst the ark is lifted, this would now be hallowed ground. Listen: tambourines are ringing, this would be the day of days. Songs and lyres and harps resounding form a framework for their praise. Verses 2-3 follo
Hymn: Each hour marks a mighty resurrection
Hymn: Each hour marks a mighty resurrection
by Andrew Pratt
Each hour marks a mighty resurrection, a time of overcoming fate and fear, the dawning of a common understanding in which the grace of God is drawing near. Each morning brings a sense of new creation. New life, new love, encompasses the earth. New time, new light illuminates the
She's the one Christ should have hated
She's the one Christ should have hated
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Hymn: She’s the one Christ should have hated She’s the one Christ should have hated, every law set her apart, woman, foreign, faith betrayer, yet compassion warmed his heart. Was he thirsty? Human nature giving us a reason why... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Word
When we fail temptation's testing
When we fail temptation's testing
by Andrew Pratt
When we fail temptation's testing, find our conscience sleeping, resting, hear your people's true confession, bring your grace to make us whole. Give us time for reparation, through your mercy, re-creation, yet when time prevents forgiving may your grace still make us whole. Vers
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom
by Marjorie Dobson
Responsive prayer: God of wisdom God of wisdom, we come again to ask you to forgive us for the foolishness of some of our actions. When we act with the arrogant assurance that what we do and say is always right. God, forgive us When we make harsh judgements of the behaviour of ot
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - PBC Mark: Introduction
Mark The People's Bible Commentary - PBC Mark: Introduction
by BRF - Dick France
PBC MARK: INTRODUCTION Many members of the first-century churches could not read, and many more could not afford to possess a scroll of their own. So we should think of our New Testament books as intended to be read aloud, when the members of the church were gathered together. Ma
Fleeting Shadows 2 Video Bundle
Fleeting Shadows 2 Video Bundle
Storytelling with a difference, these video clips can be used in class or assembly to captivate the children while teaching them stories from the Bible. An ideal resource for primary schools, Sunday Schools, all age worship and youth groups. Bundle Price: £8.50+vat These vide
Letters to London - 12 Words on a page meaning influence and investment beyond time
Letters to London - 12 Words on a page meaning influence and investment beyond time
by SPCK - Stephen J.Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell
12 Words on a page meaning influence and investment beyond time All attempts at social change will eventually become unsustainable if they remain the exclusive business of adults…
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
by Christine Valters Painter
THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE In his book Worship and Spirituality, theologian Don Saliers describes spirituality as “our embodied humanity fully alive before God and neighbour, stretched by story, stretched by touch, stretched by song, stretched by eating and drinking, bathing,
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
The lawyer of the formerly wealthy Thessalonian writes back to Paul
by Tim Pillinger
Based on the text of "Epistles to the Apostle" in which Colin Morris extrapolates letters Paul might have recieved from the responses he gives. In this case, this man is part of his warning against idleness, and thinking he knows when Jesus will return. This is our Thessalonian's
How long, O Lord, until you hear
How long, O Lord, until you hear
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – How long, 0 Lord, until you hear How long, 0 Lord, until you hear the Church’s cry of pain? Our voices fail, our strength grows weak are all our dreams in vain? Yet still we search for shafts of hope for rumours of new birth, we strain for heaven’s answer to our anguish he
Meeting God in MARK - The beginning of the Gospel -2